Friday, December 2, 2011

Aila's First Semester!

Aila, our baby sister is already done with her first semester! Yeiy! Our little princess has learned so much from school. She knows the alphabet and recognizes letters. One time Vic was wearing his fave shirt and Aila said "Ate babasahin ko yan" (pointing at Vic's shirt) and she says "N-I-K-E"  that simple thing made me smile! She also knows how to count, sing our national anthem, recognizes colors and shapes to name a few! She already knows how to add numbers using her fingers too (I thought her that!) and a few weeks ago Mom was asking her whats the job of a doctor, nurse, fireman, policeman, fisherman etc. and she knows them all!!! That was so nice! Just knowing she learned a lot from school makes me forget the mad days/nights during homework time (she drives mom and I with her constant chatter and complaints). Money spent for her early education is money well spent! Well spent indeed! ^______^

The cute girl with pigtails and headband is Aila! Cute right???

My baby sister is the cutest! ^______^

I uploaded Aila's Narrative report. It was so funny because it is so her! Her teacher mentioned she invents name, well this is for real! Sometimes when you ask her what's her name, one of her favorite answer is this: "My name is Princess Barbie Aila Rica Cinderella MAPUTI" what's up with that???? Her name is just Aila Rica!!!! Funny right??? ^_______^

Summary of Aila's report card. This is so funny!

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