Friday, January 14, 2011

When I first met Joel Escober!

I finally met him! Yes, HIM! The person who will make me feel like a supermodel on my wedding day! Hehehehe! Yep not a princes, but a SUUUUUUUUUUPER MODEL! Yeiy!

After the long wait and painstaking cost/budget analysis I finally made my decision and went to Joel Escober. My sisters in W@W are right when they said he is so nice to talk to! Coz he is! Very humble and accommodating. Right after entering his home office and a few chitchat, he asked me to bring out pegs.  I love that he listens to what you want and incorporates it to his design. He keeps on calling me "Ma'am" and I asked him to just call me Aimee but he did'nt. I dunno, it just doesn't feel right! Here I am standing in front of Joel Escober and he is calling me "Ma'am" hihihihi! I was kinda "dyahe". To continue, Joel gave me the Pros and Cons of the design I have in mind and that enlightened me big time! He sketched me two gowns and the second one was the one I fell in love with. I was happy that we both like ecru so we decided to have the gown in that color. While taking my measurements he tells story and asks info's about my wedding, chika talaga! He even gave me some tips on how to interact with suppliers to get great services!

I cant wait for the first fitting! I hope to loose weight an be sexier so I can give his creation justice. Hehehehe!

Here are some photos of our first meeting! Yeiy!

Mr. Joel Escober while taking my measurements.

BRASO! How can I make you small??

There I go with my hand gestures while having a conversation with Mr.Joel. He's  nice!

Can you see how the gown looks like? Hahaha! I'm keeping it as a secret!

Haaaaay... It feels nice to have great service. Talent + Charm + Kindness is the perfect mix! Yahoooo!

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