Thursday, October 20, 2011

Food Post: My Pako Salad! Finally!

I learned about Pako reading one of my favorite blog site. I was intrigued by how the blogger described how it tasted. The picture of her dish looks yummy too. I wanted to try it but i really don't know where I can get my hands on this green stuff. Failed finding it even in the vegetable stalls in Quiapo market of even at the groceries at the shopping malls. But tonight I found them in Alabang! "Hinanap kita kung saan-saan, andyan ka lang pala sa tabi-tabi" Naks parang pag ibig... GULAY lang naman! Hahahahah!!!

After searching the net for recipes, I came up with my version!

Amai's Paco Salad

  • Paco Leaves ( One bundle is P10)
  • Onions
  • Tomato
  • Salted Egg (Itlog na Pula)
  • Vinegar and Fish Sauce
Blanched Paco leaves and remove from the ice bath. Drain it and remove excess water and set aside. Slice the the tomato, salted egg and onions thinly then add to the Paco leaves. Throw in few teaspoon of fish sauce, vinegar and add in pepper!

My Verdict: Hmmmm... So-so... I'm not crazy about it but its salad and I'm on a diet! So its good enough... Or maybe hindi lang ganun kasarap yung version ko! Hahahaha!  ^_________^

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