Sunday, May 1, 2011

DIY Bride Extraordinaire! (Part I)

Yes I am a DIY Bride Extraordinaire! Or maybe I just feel like one... hehehe

I only have 17 days to finish my DYI stuff for the wedding. I just want to share my accomplishments and what's in my DYI To Do List! 

  • Wedding Chord -  made two actually and got my family to pick whats the best between the two.
  • Matches - for our Candle Sponsor.
Our very own matches!
So love this!!!

Our LOVE Wedding Chord.. I made it!!!

Complete! Veil, Unity Coins, Personalize Matches and our RINGS!!! Yeiy!

  • Misalette :  Hehehehe. ALmost Done.
  • Reception Behavior Guidelines - Not happy with the final product, need to jazz it up a bit more.
  • Treasure Chest for our weddings bands & coins - I did not make the treasure chest out of scratch, I just made some enhancement actually.. Hehehehe..
  • Kissing bells : DONE - with the first 60! I'm still thinking if its enough already or should I make more.
  • Labels/Monograms -Finalize Choices and Print!  I have to this for the give-aways, prizes for the games etc.
  • Posters and banners - Need to have "Just Married" sign and "Do Not Touch the Lechon..YET"
  • Lucky Envelopes for the Money Dance.
  • Jars and glasses for the sweet treats.
  • Growing-up AVP c/o my cousin Sam. Need to scan and compile pictured of Vic and I.
ANO PA??? Did I miss anything?? Whaaaaa!!!!

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