Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thank you Lola!

My sisters and I together with my cousins are so lucky to have Lola Lily as our grandmother. She's been in the U.S. for more than two decades but she never forget about us! Eventhough she lives far from us, she always make it a point that we hear from her. She never forget to send us birthday cards, call us on the phone and now a days spend late nights (her time) talking to us thru skype during weekends. Once in a while she sends us the all time favorite "PACKAGE". Yup we call it that! Lola fills a balikbayan box and send it tho the Philippines every now and then. She fills it up with shoes, clothes, vitamins, soap, perfumes, toys, and everything else! I got home and was so happy to see our pantry filled up with the favorite PX stuff from Lola! Yeiy!!!!
Some of the goooooood stuff!  This is only for us, imagine how much she send for five houses!
My cute cousins, sister Aila and Uncle loves their new sneakers!

showing off their new sneaks and baret.

Lola Lily loves crocheting! Aila likes the red baret, A LOT!
Thanks Lola!! ^______^