Monday, March 14, 2011

Letting go...


Last Saturday Vic and I attended Wedding Expo, the biggest bridal fair in Asia. We were there to scout for rings but instead we found this beetle limo that got us wanting it for our bridal car.

When we got home we revisited "THE FILE" it was our wedding budget in excel. Yep! Having one is a must. Anyway, we wanted to see if we can squeeze in the beetle limousine. But to our surprise, not only we cannot afford the beetle limo, we also found out we are almost over our budget. We also realized how long it has been since we visited the file. We are not really unhappy about the limo, it was just more of a "want" rather than a "need". It was easy for us to let it go.. So easy..


The total expenses written in red fonts and in bold was tattooed in my mind, and I know Vic's mind too. I revisited and revisited "THE FILE". Trying to look for "wants" that I can remove and save money instead. I see the photo and video rates, I know its too much but I was hard for me to let it go. Sigh...


The stress in work that this day always bring did not stop me from thinking about our wedding budget. I wanted an SDE (same day edit - 5 to 10 mins. video of wedding preps shown at the reception) but I know we cant afford it. Should I settle for a photo slide show instead? I asked my self that even though I know I should just use the money for other wedding "needs".

I am letting go... I will save the additional thousands instead of availing a 5-10 minutes video or photo slide show. I told Vic, "Love, hindi naman siguro magiging pangit ang kasal natin if we don't have that, ang importante naman yung after the wedding diba". First he was apologizing because of our limited budget, and told me that it was ok to shed few more bucks if I really want it. But I was finally firm about my decision, I knew he was just being the kind boyfriend that he is.. I told him, my world will not end if we don't have the SDE, what is important is that I am marrying you. His reply made my eyes teary.. He texted me this;
"Alam mo, love na love talaga kita.. Love you, tama ka Love ko."
It made me more sure about my decision. I am letting go and so happy about it!

Pondering more....

I am enjoying the wedding preps. It has lots and lots of highs and loads of lows. But it made realize, how SMART I am and how much grip I have to reality. Hehehehe! Sabi nga ni Kuya Lex marami akong mare-realize, some bad, some good. Must take what's bad & learn from it. Savor what's good & do it again! And again, and  again, and again and again....

Haaaaaai... It is a good night.. Good night indeed. Thank you Lord!